
Welcome to our website!

Dear Visitor,
Please, let me introduce myself in a few sentences. My name is Zoltán Bányai and I am the manager and the owner of the Nyíri Pajkos (Mischievous) Rövidszőrű Vizsla Kennel. My connection with dogs has lasted since childhood and first of all the Hungarian breed of pulies and pointers has given me the first experience in dog petting. After my studies, years of practising as a teacher and establishing a family in 2008, I thought I would like to share the marvelous adventures hidden in pointer keeping with my sons. This is how we found Csoki, the short-coat Hungarian pointer, who since then has been a loyal friend and member of our family. Thanks to him we got really close to the species, even though the playful waggery of Hungarian pointer is mischievous, his child friendly behavior caught us since the first moment. We thought about the same features when we decided to combine the name of the kennel with the traditions of Nyírség region.
We consider it important to have our dogs healthy from dysplasia-filtered parents and to be born with good genetic traits, and that is why we pay a high degree of attention to it, as well as to provide environment for descendants growing up for a proper socialization. Our goal is, may this breed with noble traditions have further fans.
Kind-heartedly we suggest our dogs to families with a garden or yard or for those who love active, sporty lifestyle, nature or the Hungarian pointer and in our hope shall find happiness in „Nyíri Pajkos”.
We wish you good browsing on our website,
The Bányai family
Nyíregyháza, May 2016